Parent and Homeschooling Resources
This is a list of favorite books that have helped me on my journey. These are trusted resources that I go back to time and time again for encouragement and have enriched my parenting and homeschool life.
Below are also a couple of podcasts I have been on! I hope these resources meet you in your current season. To make things easier for you, all of the resources have links to buy, listen, or download.
Books I Love
Teaching From Rest (Sarah Mackenzie)
Introverted Mom (Jamie C. Martin)
The Brave Learner (Julie Bogart)
Modern Miss Mason (Leah Boden)
Smart But Scattered (Peg Dawson and Richard Guare)
Awakening Wonder, Seasons of a Mother's Heart, Different and the Mission of Motherhood (Sally Clarkson). I adore all of her books but these are my top 4.
Podcasts and YouTube I've been on (Connected Families)
Connected Families Resources
Connected Families Online Course- (Online course)
Framework for Kids- (Free download)
Transform Bedtime Struggles Into Nighttime Snuggles (E-book)